
Patrick Kéchichian

Critique littéraire, écrivain et journaliste ( Le Monde ).

"To the figure of the “writing man” I would like to replace the one of the “reading man”. It is there that everything starts, with this invisible activity, with this expense of intellectual and spiritual energy that extends the critical act. Because it is acknowledging the language in its complexity and mystery, the critical stand, focus on its subject, repeats the tribute we owe to language and literature."

Born in 1951 in Paris, Patrick Kéchichian is a journalist and writer. After may 68, he stopped his secondary studies. In the 70s, while still following some classes at the Sorbonne and the university of Vincennes-Saint-Denis, he started his career in the newspaper Le Monde. In 1985, he becomes a literary critic for “Le Monde des livres” where he became in 1992 the co-editor in chief. On the 31 December 2008 he decided to leave his job while still being a literary critic for different publications. He published Usages de l’éternité. Essai sur Ernest Hello (Seuil, 1993), Les Origines de l’alpinisme. Exercices spirituels (Seuil, 2001), La Conversion de saint Paul (with Stanislas Breton and Philippe Morel : Desclée De Brouwer, 2001), L’Aiguille de minuit. Carnets de l’Alpiniste (Seuil, 2004), Des Princes et des principautés. Pamphlet (Seuil, 2006). In September 2009, he published with “folio” Gallimard Petit Éloge du catholicisme.

  • Entretien avec Patrick Kéchichian

    Patrick Kéchichian testifies to the growing interest for the diversity and richness of Francophone literature (18 juillet 2009).